Monday, July 25, 2011

wanted: dependable clutch player in korea

saturday night, waiting for friends who said they'd show up to walk through the door. one by one, they all fall through.

me: everyone i depended on is bailing

friend: at times like this you need a clutch player. someone who will always be there to pick you up during hard times. mine is captain morgan and walker.

me: mine is ry

friend: what's ry?

me: szanyi

it's been too long! i miss my gold coast neighbor and faux boyfriend. =( i've seen everyone else at least 2 times since i moved. i haven't seen mr. szanyi in 1.5 years! 1.5 years!!!! madness! going through ry guy withdrawl.

p.s. faux bfs are hard to come by these days. looking for a replacement is hard work.

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