Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the summer blues (and other hues)

fact: i am slightly (understatement of the year) obsessed with men's clothing. let me reiterate. the clothing. not the guy wearing the clothes. no no. the actual clothing itself. (well, the guys aren't too shabby either) sometimes i wish i were a man. maybe a gay man, considering my propensity towards men.

i'd probably wear men's clothes all the time if i could.

obviously, style is subjective and while i may find everything here gosh darn swoon-worthy, you, on the other hand, may find everything i've posted here hideous. whatever. you say "to-mah-to", i say "to-may-to". however, at the end of the day, this is my blog and i do (post) what i want! also, i'm going to go ahead and say this, only weirdos pronounce tomato "to-mah-to." fact.

ladies: enjoy the well dressed boys.
gentlemen: take a hint. please.

milan fashion week street style

paris fashion week street style

pitti uomo fashion week street style

all photo credit: tommy ton for GQ

navy, olive green, shades of gray, summer suits, loafers, denim shirts, and preppy chic! oh my!

also ... watch this. it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face. maybe not if you're a guy. whatever. that's not my problem. =)

Boys of Milan & Paris FW2011 from Justin Wu on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Not digging the short pants, no socks trend though...
