Monday, December 20, 2010
is this heaven?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
gobble gobble
well, for all of you in the states, happy thanksgiving. this happens to be one of my favorite holidays. blackout wednesday, thanksgiving thursday, black friday, then the weekend! it's the perfect combination of drinking, eating, shopping, and resting! sadly, i won't be able to spend it with my family and friends this year. ahhhhh i can't believe i'm missing out on thanksgiving dinner back home. i miss the candied yams, stuffing, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, ham, and of course the turkey. i'm drooling just thinking about it.
now now, don't feel too bad for me. i've come up with a solution! a few of my american friends and i are doing our own thanksgiving dinner. sadly, considering i don't have an oven, it won't be in the comfort of my own home. however, there are restaurants in korea that have thanksgiving specials just for all of us ex-pats! yay! we were a little late in making reservations so we weren't able to get a table for tonight, but we're doing it sunday. better late than never! they've promised turkey, mashed potatoes + gravy, green beans, soup, salad, and pumpkin pie! i'm so excited. we'll see how it goes.
now that thanksgiving is taken care of ... moving on to the next holiday ...
i know christmas is still a month away, but i'm freaking out! i have no idea what to get my parents. well, i know what i'm getting my mom but my dad is impossible. i think he has to be the hardest person to shop for. we always just end up getting him clothes or shoes or accessories. i want to get him something he might want rather than something he needs. i was thinking of getting my dad an ipod, stereo dock, and something that'll enable him to listen to it in the car. what do you guys think?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
i'll be home for christmas
sadly, not right this minute, but soon enough! i booked my flight outta here! i'll be arriving in chicago on dec, 24th and will stay till jan. 2nd. that's 9 full days in chicago! i'll most likely be busy for a majority of the trip, what with the holidays, family, and whatnot, but i'd like to see everyone at least once during my short stay! i can't wait to go back! i have so many things i want to do, people i want to see, things i want to eat!!! omg i can't wait for some amazing food! i definitely want to go to some of my all-time favorite restaurants with my all-time favorite people! you know who you are!
foods i need to eat:
molly's cupcakes
etc.... (too many to list them all!)
i also can't wait for new year's eve! i'm staying till the 2nd of january so that i can spend new year's eve with you guys! we're going to party all night and then i'll probably have to spend the entire next day getting better for my flight the day after! it'll be short, but sweet! =)
i can't wait to see all of you!
1 month + 1 day and counting till this ...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
the little things that make me do my happy dance
you have no idea what a monumental moment this is! j.crew's online website has always been restricted in korea since i can remember. i'd be utterly disappointed every time i'd try to log on. but guess what? it finally works!!! and what luck! everything on sale is an extra 30% off! this could be very very very bad for my wallet. uh oh ....
2. hodduk (korean sweet hotcake)
i just found the most amazing hodduk stand in all of seoul after 2 hours of non-stop searching for it. the place we had it from is called tul-bo-nae hodduk. it's pretty famous in seoul and people actually wait in line for it. it's in insa-dong and it's amazing! each hodduk is about 250 calories. i had 2. i was happy. i wanted more. i practiced some self control.
in case you guys don't know what a hodduk is ...
note: this is not the hodduk i had. mine looked (and was) 100x better. no doubt.
i don't really feel like this needs an explanation but apparently eating spoonfuls of just peanut butter is considered weird to korean people. they also have never eaten peanut butter on apples or celery. i'm so misunderstood here.
4. friends
friends from america. friends from korea. any and all friends. they are the best. they are awesome. they are especially awesome when you wake up one morning after passing out like a zombie and realize that you were supposed to be at work an hour ago. on top of being late to work it turns out that you were solely responsible for making a bunch of copies and getting things ready for a 10 am meeting. you start freaking out, running around with half a pair of pants on, toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, getting ready, and you call your friend at work and she agrees, without a single moan or groan, to get everything ready for you. friends are awesome. end of story.
5. my soon to arrive sam edelman zoe boots and sister (shoes first, sister second)!
i just ordered these bad boys off the internet and got them at a pretty decent price. i've been eye-ing these shoes since last year and i can't wait for my sister to come in a couple weeks with them and a ton of other stuff for me! yay! =)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
i pulled a derrick rose

that is, unless your name is karen hong; in which case it takes you to the emergency room! (is that even the proper use of a semicolon? whatever, i don't care.)
last night, i had a great adventure! a great adventure that has taught me to stick to fruits that don't require cutting and/or peeling. damnit! why must apples be so round? why can't they just sit on a flat surface and not roll around everywhere? why must they have a core? why must they cause me so much pain? fool me once, shame on you (apple). fool me twice, shame on the other you (knife). fool me thrice!!!! finally, shame on me (apparently i am inept and cannot wield a knife and a piece of fruit at the same time) yes, you heard right, this was the third time i cut myself whilst trying to cut an apple. THIRD TIME!!!! i don't know what it is, but i just have a really hard time cutting apples. i would never even dare to try to peel an apple with a knife. i imagine that would end terribly.
anyway, like i said, this was the third time i shed blood for the sake of eating a delicious, juicy, crisp, red, apple. the other two times were slight nicks. nothing that a band-aid and some neosporin couldn't handle. well, this time, the blood kept gushing and gushing and there was no stopping it. i wrapped my finger with 2 band-aids and wrapped a paper towel around it a few times and it bled through everything. after about 15 minutes of non-stop bleeding and my impatience, i hopped in a cab and made my way to the emergency room.
let me tell you ... there's no reason they should call it the "emergency room". these doctors move slower than arthritic 80 yr. olds. ridiculous! they took a look at the finger and gave me the option of stitching it up or just going home with an outrageously thick band-aid. apparently the cut was bad, but not bad enough. it was just a level above getting stitches and it was my call. after consulting my handy dandy gtalk doctor (doctor dan), i decided to go ahead with the needle and thread. i waited around for about an hour before they finally got around to me. after 1.5 hours, the most painful local anesthesia i've ever experienced (which by the way is shot into the cut itself!!!!!), 2 stitches, 1 tetanus shot, and my meds, i was free to go.
i snapped a picture during the procedure for your viewing pleasure! =)

and that was my emergency room adventure!

Thursday, November 4, 2010
6 months and counting ...
anyway ...
i feel like i've been working here forever but at the same time it also feels like i arrived just yesterday. it's been a little over 6 months since i stepped foot in the motherland and it's been surreal. in the beginning, i thought i'd never be able to call korea my home or even enjoy my time here. i guess when you're open-minded (and you have no other choice), things change. i'm slowly starting to feel like i belong and i look forward to the coming months here. i've managed to make a few close friends and i have actually established a routine here. i have constants in my korean life! it's a miracle! however, no matter how great things are going, i can't help but feel lonely at times.
i am desperately missing all of my friends, family, and my chicago. i especially miss what this season brings back in the states. october through january = ridiculous costumes + food + more food + presents + parties + friends/family + kisses @ midnight + the occasional holiday fling. sadly, the holiday spirit doesn't seem to reside in seoul. i hear he makes a pit stop on christmas day but then he's out of here in the blink of an eye in order to make it back to the states in time for the NYE ball drop. it's actually kind of sad. while everyone in the states are anxiously awaiting thanksgiving, the superbowl, and their fat pants, i'm anxiously awaiting ... nothing (i've already made the transition into my fat pants ... no waiting necessary). i had every intention of making my way back to the states for the holiday season but now i don't know if that's going to happen. if i do come, it'll be from dec. 29th - jan. 7/8. we'll see how this project plays out. i can't wait till i can see all of you again! it's been too long! oh yea, i also can't wait for all of you who are coming to visit in the winter! make plans to see me while i'm here.
till then ...
well, i'm still at the office at 9 p.m. i should probably get back to finishing this damn campus entrance if i ever want to go home.
Monday, November 1, 2010
satisfying my sweet tooth
i'm in want of some recipes. mind you, i don't have an oven. does anyone have any recipes for something sweet that doesn't require more than a microwave, toaster, stove, or a couple of chopsticks? oh yea, i can't use any crazy ingredients either ... korea has absolutely nothing in that department. i wanted to make puppy chow the other day and apparently korea only sells chocolate chex. damn you korea!!!!!!!!!!!! i found a recipe for buckeyes (pictured above). maybe i'll try making that this weekend and test it out on david hong and my coworkers. if you have any recipes, let me know!
Monday, October 25, 2010
home sweet home
the best part about the apartment is that i don't have to pay rent! you heard right! NO RENT! i obviously pay the monthly assessment fee and utility bills but other than that, nada. no monthly rent! during my house hunt here i discovered something awesome about korea's renting system. this may be the one thing i absolutely love about korea!!! they have the normal monthly rent system like we do back in the states but they also have a system where you pay a lump sum (key money), sign a 1-2 year contract, and then receive the original entire lump sum back at the end of your lease period. yup! true story. so all you lose are opportunity costs (which, with the economy being the way it is, doesn't really mean much). that lump sum can be anywhere from $50,000 and upwards. it all depends on neighborhood, house size, etc. so, yes, my parents paid my key money and now i have a place where i don't have to worry about the burden of paying monthly rent. yay me! awesome korean key money system for the win!
i decided to post pictures of the place because it's finally starting to come together and it actually looks like someone lives there. i know it's a bit sparse but this is a HUGE improvement from before! i just got my couch last weekend and the coffee table didn't arrive till a few days ago. i've also ordered a small dining table to fill up this awkward space i have in between the kitchen and living room space (not pictured because i am embarrassed). oh yea, the place also came furnished with a flatscreen tv and surround speakers. awesome.

Monday, October 11, 2010
mother knows best
girl meets boy.
girl talks to boy.
girl dates boy.
korean dating:
girl has friends.
girl's friends have other friends.
girl's friends set girl up on blind date with said other friend.
girl goes on blind date.
girl dates boy.
this is pretty much how it goes here. there is no meeting someone random in a bar. there is no spontaneous conversation with a perfect stranger on some mode of public transportation. there is no chance meeting.
blind dates are considered desperate, sad, and pathetic back in the states. here, they are a way of life. if you're not open to blind dating, you're not open to dating. period. the only other way you'll have a significant other is if you start dating someone already in your circle of friends or at work. for me, this is never an option. not saying that i'm looking for a boyfriend necessarily. it just seems that if i were to ever want one, my options are incredibly limited.
this is how an introductory conversation in korea goes:
what's your name? ...
where are you from? ...
how old are you? ...
do you have a boyfriend? ...
i have someone i could introduce you to! ...
true story. i would know. i've had the same conversation with everyone in my office. someone actually even had a name of a prospective to offer up on the spot. right then and there. this leads me to the main point of this post ... my most recent set-up attempt ... BY MY MOTHER!!!
i get a call from my mother. she tells me she has a friend who'll be flying to korea in a few days and is willing to bring some of my personal belongings. i give her a list of stuff i need and she explains to me that the lady will give me a call when she gets in. i think that's the end of this conversation. what more is there to say? it all seems pretty standard. easy as pie ... lady calls, i meet her, pick up my stuff, and done. WRONG. my mother starts going in another direction with the conversation. she tells me to make sure to be respectful and polite when i meet said lady. she tells me to wear appropriate clothing. she tells me to look presentable. uhhhh ... 1. i'm always awesomely nice and presentable ... 2. why the hell is she telling me all of this? i thought i was just picking up some stuff and i'd be on my way. wrong again. this is when my mother reveals her true intention ... this lady has a son. oh, and what a son. he is 32 (or 31 .. or 30?), most probably tall and handsome (his father is tall and his mother is pretty so he must possess both qualities!), and he's a doctor (or in school ... or the army ... or something). my mother is very vague in her description. she doesn't know much. she just knows he's a boy and that he is in need of a good woman!
apparently this lady knew that my mother birthed 3 lovely girls so she paid my mom a visit at the store to have a little chat. what luck! she meets stephany ...
lady: i love stephany. so sweet. so cute. perfect future daughter-in-law material. why yes, i'll take her!
mom: no, no, no. stephany is too young and she already has a bf.
lady: what of your other daughters?
mom: i have an older daughter! she is 24. prime and ready to walk down the aisle.
lady: that's perfect! where is she? my son lives in korea.
mom: perfection. my daughter is also currently residing in korea!
lady: it's match made in heaven. yes, i will meet her. please give me an excuse to see your eldest daughter.
mom: you can take her stuff to her! she'll have to meet you if she ever wants to see her christian louboutin black patent leather shoe boots again!! muhahahahaahaha (evil laughter and rubbing together of hands)!!!!!!
the end. mind you, i'm paraphrasing the conversation, but i'm almost positive my mother did an evil laughter whilst rubbing her hands together. these korean women are devious and cunning when it comes to matchmaking their hopeless offsprings. i have yet to hear from this lady or her leper of a son. we'll see what happens. i just want my shoes damnit!!!!!
on another note ...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
fat girl
i've always known that korean people were very apt to being incredibly blunt, borderline rude, and just plain inconsiderate when it comes to personal appearance. afterall, i did grow up with a korean mother/father and a ton of korean relatives. these people are incredibly tactless and will say exactly what they think of how you look, regardless of your feelings. i've grown up my entire life hearing "you've gained some weight", "are you sure you should be eating that?", "now you're just too thin," "you would look so much better with eyelid surgery", and the list goes on. i'm sorry, but when i see you for the first time in 4 years i don't want the first thing i hear out of your mouth to be what procedures i can have done to make myself prettier in your (or any other koreans') eyes. where am i going with this you ask? well ... i did not realize just how terrible these people were until today. (mind you i'm not saying this is the entire korean population. however, i would say that it might be a majority of them!)
i've never had any serious issues with my personal appearance before stepping foot in this country. i admit there are times when i have my off days and i feel fat or ugly, but, i've always been somewhat satisfied with the cards i've been dealt in the appearance category. i think i'm of average weight and that i look healthy and normal. apparently (according to one coworker) that is not the case.
i was enjoying an afternoon snack with a few coworkers today and the topic of weight was brought into the conversation. someone had nonchalantly said to me, "karen, aren't you jealous that this supervisor (we'll call him A) can eat all of these chips and cookies and not gain any weight?" he didn't mean any harm by this statement. he was just saying this because we always joke that eating all this crap is going to make me huge. so my response to this statement was that no matter how much i ate it always seemed like i never got much larger than my current size. i said it in a somewhat proud tone considering i eat complete shit and am not severely overweight. this is when A (in a very serious manner) says "you shouldn't be proud of that, you're not thin. you're actually borderline fat. look at your broad shoulders." yes, he actually said that to my face. and no, it was not the way one of my friends would say it to me. he was being completely serious. i didn't even know how to respond to this statement. i just fumbled around for something clever to say and only got out "well, i can't help my shoulders, it's my bone structure." he then went on to compare me to the girl (who i love by the way) that sits behind me. he went on to mention how she was thin and that i should try to be more like her. mind you this girl eats a real meal maybe a total of 4 times a week. she literally drinks milk + powder for lunch and dinner. he then proceeded to eat my snacks and walk back to his seat. there was no apology, there was no remorse.
i was completely infuriated with him but was not able to show how i really felt considering he was my "superior" at work and in age. am i the only sane person in this country? am i the only person that thinks this behavior is appalling? i don't understand what is wrong with these people. no wonder everyone feels the need to get plastic surgery here. i can't stand this bullshit. i'm not looking for people to comment with compliments (already got the boost i needed earlier today =)). i just felt the need to rant. this has been something that has bothered me about korea since day one. everyone that doesn't fit this country's image of beautiful is running around, insecure, chopping off parts of their face, starving themself, and just plain unhappy. i usually don't let things like this get to me but it's really hard when it's constantly happening.
well, that's my rant. i don't even really know how to end this and i don't want to end on a bad note so ... i found this image and i really liked it. that is all.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
hong KHONG phooey
mong kok has entire streets dedicated to goldfish, electronics, sneakers, women's clothing, etc. MADNESS!!! literally a whole street lined with just that specialty item.
sorry for the blurry/crappy night shots. apparently i suck at taking pictures.
it's the tallest commercial bungee jump (233 m./765 ft.) in the world!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
das boot
the pros:
- my supervisors don't send me on errands to other floors
uhm yea. i'm awesome. i know.
picture fail. foot fail. life fail.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
no oven? no time? no problem!
i found this recipe online at
it's perfect for those people without ovens ... or time ... or patience!
i've never made it before. someone make it and let me know if it's any good! =)
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (Microwave Safe)
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly before pouring in the milk and oil in. Keep mixing. Add the optional chocolate chips next (who makes that an option!) and vanilla extract, and mix again…
Put your mug in the micro wave and cook for three minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed! Allow it to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT ! (this can serve two if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
friends + summer
Thursday, August 5, 2010
a light on a hill
this life that we built is deadly.
She crawls from my bed, runs a comb cross her head.
She crawls to the train and drives herself home.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
miracle? no.
insane amounts of coffee? yes!
words of the wise: don't stay out till 4 am on a school night kiddies. bad news bears. luckily i didn't have much to do at work today. i was bored and browsing some of my favorite blogs when i came across these goodies.
i want it. i need it. oh baby. oh baby.