that is, unless your name is karen hong; in which case it takes you to the emergency room! (is that even the proper use of a semicolon? whatever, i don't care.)
last night, i had a great adventure! a great adventure that has taught me to stick to fruits that don't require cutting and/or peeling. damnit! why must apples be so round? why can't they just sit on a flat surface and not roll around everywhere? why must they have a core? why must they cause me so much pain? fool me once, shame on you (apple). fool me twice, shame on the other you (knife). fool me thrice!!!! finally, shame on me (apparently i am inept and cannot wield a knife and a piece of fruit at the same time) yes, you heard right, this was the third time i cut myself whilst trying to cut an apple. THIRD TIME!!!! i don't know what it is, but i just have a really hard time cutting apples. i would never even dare to try to peel an apple with a knife. i imagine that would end terribly.
anyway, like i said, this was the third time i shed blood for the sake of eating a delicious, juicy, crisp, red, apple. the other two times were slight nicks. nothing that a band-aid and some neosporin couldn't handle. well, this time, the blood kept gushing and gushing and there was no stopping it. i wrapped my finger with 2 band-aids and wrapped a paper towel around it a few times and it bled through everything. after about 15 minutes of non-stop bleeding and my impatience, i hopped in a cab and made my way to the emergency room.
let me tell you ... there's no reason they should call it the "emergency room". these doctors move slower than arthritic 80 yr. olds. ridiculous! they took a look at the finger and gave me the option of stitching it up or just going home with an outrageously thick band-aid. apparently the cut was bad, but not bad enough. it was just a level above getting stitches and it was my call. after consulting my handy dandy gtalk doctor (doctor dan), i decided to go ahead with the needle and thread. i waited around for about an hour before they finally got around to me. after 1.5 hours, the most painful local anesthesia i've ever experienced (which by the way is shot into the cut itself!!!!!), 2 stitches, 1 tetanus shot, and my meds, i was free to go.
i snapped a picture during the procedure for your viewing pleasure! =)

the best part had to be when the doctor looked at my thumb with a terrified look on his face asking if that was my blood on/under my nail. a look of relief washed over him when i assured him it was my nail polish.
and that was my emergency room adventure!
don't worry, my elephantiasis thumb and i are doing great!!!
and that was my emergency room adventure!

oh yea, p.s. thanks to david hong for keeping me occupied via gchat while they stitched me up. =)
M.C. Karen
ReplyDeletethats what you need
hahaha why does the opening line of this blog look sooooo familiar??? ;)
ReplyDeleteglad to see you're ok!! no more apples for you. the huge thumb and band aid is hilarious... take a picture doing a thumbs up
Why are you cutting your own apple in the first place? That's what slaves are for. Can't you go to the local mart and purchase a Cambodian? You've changed, Karen, I don't even know you anymore.
ReplyDeleteSide note: Did you get a camera for your computer yet? I was really hoping we could cyber...
D: "what are you wearing?"
K: "a robe"
D: "mmmm what you got under that, girl?"
K: "these HOT granny panties, they're BYC"
D: "i bet all that cotton is making you sweat"
K: "totes, my ass is so sweaty, i have streaks"
D: "it looks like a mudslide"
K: "savin' it for you, baby"
D: "you have any whipped cream?"
K: "i have these dried squid legs"