well, for all of you in the states, happy thanksgiving. this happens to be one of my favorite holidays. blackout wednesday, thanksgiving thursday, black friday, then the weekend! it's the perfect combination of drinking, eating, shopping, and resting! sadly, i won't be able to spend it with my family and friends this year. ahhhhh i can't believe i'm missing out on thanksgiving dinner back home. i miss the candied yams, stuffing, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, ham, and of course the turkey. i'm drooling just thinking about it.
now now, don't feel too bad for me. i've come up with a solution! a few of my american friends and i are doing our own thanksgiving dinner. sadly, considering i don't have an oven, it won't be in the comfort of my own home. however, there are restaurants in korea that have thanksgiving specials just for all of us ex-pats! yay! we were a little late in making reservations so we weren't able to get a table for tonight, but we're doing it sunday. better late than never! they've promised turkey, mashed potatoes + gravy, green beans, soup, salad, and pumpkin pie! i'm so excited. we'll see how it goes.
now that thanksgiving is taken care of ... moving on to the next holiday ...
i know christmas is still a month away, but i'm freaking out! i have no idea what to get my parents. well, i know what i'm getting my mom but my dad is impossible. i think he has to be the hardest person to shop for. we always just end up getting him clothes or shoes or accessories. i want to get him something he might want rather than something he needs. i was thinking of getting my dad an ipod, stereo dock, and something that'll enable him to listen to it in the car. what do you guys think?
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