it's august already! oh, how time flies! i can't believe summer is already more than half-way over. i can't wait till fall. fall weather in korea is perfection. summer, not so much. well, since we still have a couple months till it starts cooling down a bit here ...
things to look foward to in august:
shin's visit ...

christine's visit ...

doug and irene's visit ...

and of course, my big move north of the river in a couple weeks! it's crazy. NORTH of the river! changes are a-brewin'!
i always love when it when old friends come visit seoul (and me!). after all, if i can't go back to see everyone, the next best option is having everyone come here to see me!
it's going to be a good month. i can feel it in my bones.
so many people visiting yous. i want to too